
Sandstone Relief Feature Climbing Wall

Put climbing skills to the test with the Sandstone Relief Feature Climbing Wall. Special sandstone-style hand holds are a great way to start on this wall, but try climbing on the relief features for an extra challenge. The Groperz® Hand Holds offer a variety of options for climbers to use as they travel across the Traverse Wall. Our signature Red-Relief Line® is a safety feature that reminds climbers to stay within a distance of three feet from the floor and is a helpful tool for the climbing wall supervisor. The Sandstone Relief-Feature™ Traverse Wall® is visually interesting and provides extra rock-climbing challenges.

Sandstone Relief Feature Climbing Wall

Each 4′ x 8′ Sandstone Climbing Wall section includes 20 specialized Sandstone Hand Holds, 66 preset placement options and the Sandstone Red-Relief® Line.

Turn-key installation services available in Minnesota.

Safety mats & a way to “close” your climbing wall to prevent unauthorized use are recommended. View the Mat-Locking® System & NFPA 286 mats.

Click here to view more climbing wall options

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